The Start.

As I rode on my motorcycle the last two days I had the opportunity to reflect on this trip and found myself truly grateful. Unfortunately, in the picture I hit hard rain and had to pull over. Despite the rain I am grateful.

I am grateful for a great time on Sunday morning with my community of faith. Despite our worship leader being unable to sing and a power outage midway through our service God was gracious and let us sing and celebrate. One person even sent me videos of the songs we sang! How brilliant! I have my own church with me. Thank you Margie!

I grateful for the people who prayed with me that morning. What a blessing. One was a man in recovery from drug addiction. This man knows the pain of addiction personally. Thank you Andy.

Finally, I am grateful for the people who have encouraged me and financially supported the Arlington Recovery Center. Thank you for your support of a worthy cause.

Grace and peace,




Golf Tournament in Honor of Verl Hamilton